Energy from Commitment

Have you ever noticed the power of commitment? In 1997, I joined Toastmasters to overcome my fear of public speaking (I thought). Oddly, I seemed to struggle every week with whether to attend or not. It seemed I was too busy or too (fill in any excuse).

During a ceremony, I committed “to attend club meetings regularly”.  Initially I choked on the words. When I went home that night, I thought long and hard about how committed I really was.

Surprisingly, I discovered that I did not want to be a public speaker, at least not at that time. So what did I really want?

What I really wanted was to overcome my fears enough to acknowledge my mother publicly on her 75th birthday. I also wanted to speak in front of small group of people at a monthly breakfast within the next year. Once I got really clear about what I wanted and why I wanted it, taking the necessary action was easier.

An unexpected benefit from my clear commitment was that I suddenly noticed I had more energy. Looking back, I realize that prior to getting clarity; each week I mentally debated whether I should attend the meeting or not. All day the thoughts would bounce around in my mind as I considered the meeting versus all the other options for that evening. How mentally exhausting!

To make a clear commitment, I had to clarify my reasons for joining. I did not need to commit forever. I just needed to know what I wanted to achieve, why I wanted it and then commit to taking the necessary action to get it.

So what is the point for you? 

Tony Robbins says we all need a compelling future and I agree totally. What do you look forward to? If the answer is nothing, try working through the process on my “Planning” page.

Get really clear on what you want, why you want it and how you are going to get there. Be sure to follow the steps in the order listed. If you find yourself constantly making excuses, review the three steps again.

Be sure your action steps are broken down into bite size chunks so you can move forward, measure and acknowledge yourself for your progress on a regular basis. You can get support in getting clear on your goals, but be careful not to make your progress dependent on someone else. What you can conceive and believe, you CAN achieve.

How about you?

Have you experienced increased energy from your commitments?

If my story helps you move forward, please let me know. It is my hearts desire to have a rich fulfilling life. By sharing the insights from my journey, I hope to support others to have the same. If you need support identifying or learning how to do things in a new way, feel free to reach out to me through my contact page.