Author Archives: Christine

Magnapulse (PEMF) Testimonial

Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field (PEMF) treatments brought me great pain relief and I wanted to share that story with you. In October 2003, I had PAPIMI treatments for a knee injury that I sustained in June. The damage was not healing on its own so I paid for seven x 30 minute treatments over a period of 15 days. I did not notice any measurable improvement for the first six treatments, but at the end of the seventh treatment, all of the pain was gone and never returned. I started a yoga class the next day and felt no residual symptoms ever again.

In January 2004, I took my mother-in-law for PAPIMI treatments for her arthritis as her prescribed medication had been pulled off the market and she had not found a suitable replacement. She had been on prescription medication for 20 years for osteoarthritis and took Tylenol to supplement that medication so she could sleep at night. She too had little improvement initially.  However, by the third treatment, she was able to close her hands into a fist for the first time in over two years.  After the 7th treatment, she stated that the pain was gone.

My mother-in-law was treated for a broken tailbone at the same time. Again after the 7th treatment (30 minutes every other day), she found that there was no residual pain from the broken tailbone and that pain never returned.

April 2019 update:  My mother in-law returned for one x 30 minute treatment every six months after her initial burst of seven treatments to keep the arthritis at bay. For years, she never took any prescription drugs or Tylenol after her seventh treatment in February 2004. She moved to Saskatoon and for a few years commuted to Bigger, SK for treatments, but over time she found the travel too difficult. Eventually, she returned to taking medication for pain relief as the PEMF alternative was no longer readily available.

I could not locate a PAPIMI or MagnaPulse machine in Atlantic Canada when I developed rheumatoid arthritis. After some research, I found and purchased a MagnaPulse machine which I used to treat my own arthritis with full relief from symptoms. Others had treatments for Achilles Tendonitis and knee injuries, and were fully relieved of their symptoms.

My neighbor had treatments for sciatic pain. She had had a cortisone treatment previously which provided relief for about 6 weeks before the pain came back. The pain was so severe that it would make her nauseous unless she took strong prescription drugs. After 10 treatments, she was pain free and off the prescriptions. After I moved away, her pain returned and she was diagnosed with cysts on her spine which she is trying to treat surgically.

Please share this information with anyone else who suffers from severe chronic pain, so they will know that there are safe alternatives besides drugs and invasive surgery.  In a few short weeks, you will know if this treatment modality works for you. Please research further for yourself at: (Greece – origin of PAPIMI)

Fairness and Unexpected Gifts

I was told by my mother that “we always have to be fair”. I thought that meant that everyone in the world had to be fair. You can’t imagine how shocked I was when I found out that everybody did not get the same instruction as me. I rebelled and cried out, “That’s NOT FAIR!

But, What Is Fair?

What feels fair to one, can feel unfair or unjust to another. I was confused so I walked away to let my thoughts settle. The next day I read the article below.  My thoughts immediately returned back to fairness and how painful and confusing it can be.

Mooji’s Thoughts: No Force on Earth Can Manipulate or Bind You

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Knowing is better than not knowing.

Knowing is better than not knowing. I keep reminding myself of this when I learn things that I don’t want to learn. There is a process that happens when I discover something I don’t like such as discovering something I perceive as “negative” about my self, another person or a situation.

Really! Who wants to discover that their spouse is having and affair – nobody! But wouldn’t you rather know than not know?

Who wants to live a life of deceit, whether you are deceiving yourself or someone else is deceiving you? Again, I suggest nobody.

Here is the most recent discovery that I struggled with.


I attended a Date With Destiny seminar put on by Tony Robbins in December 2014 and realized that at times, “I am selfish”.
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Energy from Commitment

Have you ever noticed the power of commitment? In 1997, I joined Toastmasters to overcome my fear of public speaking (I thought). Oddly, I seemed to struggle every week with whether to attend or not. It seemed I was too busy or too (fill in any excuse).

During a ceremony, I committed “to attend club meetings regularly”.  Initially I choked on the words. When I went home that night, I thought long and hard about how committed I really was.

Surprisingly, I discovered that I did not want to be a public speaker, at least not at that time. So what did I really want?

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